الثلاثاء، 25 مايو 2010

حــــلــــم مـــنـــا و فــيــــنا

ليزا النمري... فتاة جامعية تخرجت من جامعة اليرموك، قسم الصحافة و الإعلام، عملت خلال دراستها كعددٍ من الطلاب في إذاعة يرموك اف.ام وكانت أول طالب يحصل على شهادة خبرةٍ من الإذاعة، حيث حصلت ليزا على شهادة خبرة بعملها في يرموك اف.ام لمدة سنتين وهي سابقةٌ في تاريخ الجامعة، آملةً من أن تستفيد من شهادة الخبرة في الCV فيما بعد.

بعد تخرجها قدمت ليزا CV تقريباً لجميع المؤسسات الإعلامية ولكنها لم تتلق رداً، عملت في كثير من قطاعات العمل مثل مصنع صابون، شكرة بروتينات، مكتب هندسي، مكتب تأمين، شركة سياحية، مكتب محاماة، وحتى محلات الملابس والدهانات و السيراميك، لكنها لم تستمر في عملٍ واحدٍ لعدة أسباب، أهمها انخفاض الراتب الذي لا يناسب حياتها في عمّان خصوصاً أنها تعتمد على نفسها في راتبها، والسبب الآخر الذي قد يكون أكثر أهميةً هو اشتياقها دائماً للعمل في مجال تخصصها الذي طالما أحبته ورغبت بالعمل به.

تقول ليزا: الفائدة الكبرى التي استفدتها هو أنني اكتشفت أنني قادرةٌ على الإبداع في أي مجالٍ أعمل به مهما اختلف، فكيف يكون الحال لو عملت في المجال الذي درسته عن حبٍ و رغبةٍ خاصةً و أنني درست على البرنامج الموازي، ولو عاد بي الزمن الآن سأدرس نفس التخصص.

وتطمح ليزا على حد قولها إلى العمل في مجال تخصصها ولو بعد حين، وهي مؤمنة أن هذا الموضوع سيحصل بالتأكيد.

Nawal alZoghbi in Akher al Akhbar

الاثنين، 22 مارس 2010

Sammy preparing to go to sleep (:

Sammy went out of the shower

Put on his PJs

Then brushed his hair

Ate his supper

And drank his fresh milk

As he should, brushed his teeth

Sammy has done his prayers for today

Bedtime story time: Sammy is reading Fireman Sam

He reads his bedtime story to Winnie

Sweet Dreams...

السبت، 27 فبراير 2010

An earthquake in Chili

Earthquake in Chili

Article "To 2009 From Moody with Tfooo" :p

I couldn't have written this with the beginning of the new year as most people did, cuz I still wanted to make sure that this isn't just a sweet dream I will wake up from sometime to find that the worst year of my - as well as so many others' - life isn't over yet, today I realized: It is over!..

It was certainly I year I'd never miss. A year, full of mess. A year, with the worst things that could ever overcome, very few happy moments, if not less.

2009: You were a year that I was forced to let go of many happy moments I would have had much better... I was forced to turn down the volume of my dreams, dreams of yesteryears, to see them shattering before my eyes, turning from fantasies to broken dreams.

2009: Do you know how many people have I lost through you? How many MORE people have lost me through you? Since January 1st human losses started. Not just in the unlike anything ever Gaza War, but human losses of my unhappy life for a long time.

2009: You might defend yourself by reminding me of some - few - happy moments or successes you brought me, I'd say if it weren't for them from God's sacred generosity I would have fallen off from my pedestal with the only thing I still own: Dignity. So let me go on:

2009: Do you know how many times have I cried myself to sleep through you? Do you know how many times have I seen a dream of mine coming true then suddenly turning to a fading shadow without any sympathy or even understandable, acceptable or bearable rationalizations?!! Do you know how big were my losses that I can't count, all only &exclusively through your bad a**??? Nobody can ever know... Neither can you, year of the worst.

So now 2009, after clearly declaring that you were the worst way for the first decade of the third millennium of history to end, allow me - or don't I don't care - to proudly throw you to the devil's throat of my memory's history, and ask history to never repeat you again, singing Fairuz: Tenzakar Ma Ten3ad, Kel Far7a w Ba3da 7daad...

TFOOOOOOOOOOOO 2009, may God leave your remembrance with no existence.


Britney Spears' secret rehearsal video
